There is a destiny that makes us brothers: none goes his way alone,
All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own. ~Edwin Markham Have you ever heard of the Threefold law or Law of Return? Basically it states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. "Mind the Threefold Law ye should, Three times bad and three times good." Meaning if you go out into the world and practice random acts of kindness, offer respect to others and treat people the way you wish to be treated, then with the Law of Return, it will circle back to you, 3 times more powerful. Kind of, what goes around, comes around. However the flip side of that is, if what you put out into the world is anger, negativity and hate, then that is what will return to you three times over. One of the things that as I get older I realize more and more, is that as long as I live up to standards that I have set for my life, be and honest, hardworking, treat everyone with respect and kindness, then I can sleep at night knowing that I gave my best everyday. Don't get me wrong though, not everyday is sunshine and rainbows, obviously there are days when I want to pull my hair out, scream unladylike words, and put people that are making me cranky into a headlock. Days like these make anyone cranky, but it is how you react and handle them that shows your true colors. I may do the unladylike words like a champ, but I deal with whatever is going on to my limit. I never allow anyone to push me past that line. Self control, is something I value immensely in my life. If someone disrespects me, I will call them out on it, or not, depends on the situation, but I will not let their disrespect or ignorance push me past the point where I drop to their level. Let Karma deal with all the people in your life that aren't worthy of your attention. Why worry about what they say or do? Let them carry on and make complete fools of themselves, while you live life to standards you set. Do what you will and harm none. Why give anyone a second thought that doesn't deserve it? Work hard, be honest, stand up for what is right, do for others, smile at strangers and live the life you want. As long as you can sleep at night, then that is what matters. Giving someone the power to rile you up over something that really in the scheme of things, doesn't matter, is simply a waste of energy. Remember how people treat you is their Karma, how you react is yours. Their negativity, their disrespect and their lies will return to them threefold, your honesty and kindness is what will come back to you. Your actions are your only true belongings. You cannot escape the consequences of your actions. Your actions are the ground upon which you stand. Edith Wharton says it well, "People pay for what they do, and still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it simply: by the lives they lead." Remember what you send out to the lives of others, will return to your own.
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