The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception,
the one who lies with sincerity. ~André Gide There is no escaping them, at one point or another in our lives we have all had to deal with one of the hardest types of people to face, the hypocrite. I can tell immediately just from reading the first couple of sentences of this, you thought of someone, maybe if you are really lucky a couple, (please note dripping sarcasm here). They appear sometimes out of no where, and usually we are completely unprepared to deal with them. Mainly because, if you are like me, you are who you are, always. You don't pretend to be something you are not, nor have ever been. The hypocrites almost seem not to be able to control themselves, so full of moral indignation they stand in judgement of everyone, except the one they should most be focusing on, themselves. They truly are toxic people, so wrapped up in the lives of others, they lose all touch with themselves. It is sad really, that they can stand in judgement of people, that which in truth, they probably know less then nothing about and proclaim, that they are right, that their beliefs are right, and you, just for being you, are wrong. I mean seriously, what the hell? Now I know you are sitting there, reading this and probably grinning in contempt, because in your mind you have conjured the picture of your hypocrite. I call this person yours cause I have my own and really do no need another. The hypocrite's crime is that he or she, a bears false witness against themselves. What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. There is no honest hypocrite, I mean seriously think about it. Often times they lie first to themselves then to anyone that will listen, believing in their deceptions to the point it controls and skewers their perception of reality. It really is the vice of all vices isn't it. Honestly being in the presence of a hypocrite, or having the pleasure of hearing from them (again note sarcasm) makes me ultimately, feel a whole lot better about myself. I mean sure, it may sting at first, but becomes kinda like a reality check for yourself. You look within, assess the things the hypocrite is saying, and the smile. Because you have looked, you have measured yourself, and then move on. Well hopefully move on, but alas sometimes it is easier said then done, as we all know the hypocrite has a tendency to pick and pick and pick, each time getting more and more creative as to why they are right and you are wrong... and I know there are times when you get can't get away from them for one reason or another, so what do you do? Me, I use these people as a sort of moral compass. While they judge me, I judge myself. And as I am my own harshest judge, as it is I that has to live with myself. As long as I like what I see, change what I don't and continue on true to myself, then I know I am ok. Because I know the reality of the situation is this... The darkness that a hypocrite sees in an other's heart is simply just a reflection of what is in their own.
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